Saturday, February 12, 2011


Kung Fu Jimmy Chow Website: HERE
Youtube Channel: HERE

Japanese culture is always fascinating, I mean there is just a lot of messed up stuff that comes from that nation. I guess that's what happens when you drop a few bloody A-Bombs on a island. Japanese anime is notorious for it's ridiculous, far-fetch and sometimes even perverse content but frankly it's all those qualities that make it such an interesting medium in the first place.

Kung Fu Jimmy Chow is a discontinued anime webseries about a Kung Fu Master working menial jobs at a Mall as he tries to continue his life after the death of his Kung Fu Master. (A strange concept sure) His main nemesis and the one that prevents him from ever getting any work done is the one person who killed his Master, 'The Purple Lady' and her near endless supply of Purple Ninja Henchmen. The series follows Jimmy's quest to exact revenge onto the Purple Lady for killing his master while trying to dodge face biting monkeys and the dreaded purple nurple attack which of course is his one true weakness.

If you couldn't tell already it's a satire commissioned by parodying anime cartoons in general, well the ones that get translated poorly to English anyway. Of course there are parts in the story where the dialogue is absurdly stilted and poorly phrased on purpose which you can tell a lot of effort and care was taken to ensuring it was an authentic recreation of a poorly translated and dubbed Japanese Cartoon.

The theme song along is hilarious and is well worth a look.

The rest of the Episodes are poorly arranged in their respective channels so it's better if you just use a straight YouTube search to yield more organised results.

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