Friday, February 11, 2011

Talking Trailers with Tobuscus

Toby Turner aka Tobuscus
Website: HERE
Tobuscus YouTube Channel: HERE
YouTube Vlog Channel: HERE

Being a vlogger a essential skill to have is to be able to have one sided conversations with yourself. To entertain your audience with nothing but your charisma and charm. Toby Turner is special in a sense that his quirky nature, churpy attitude and endless energy separate him from most other vloggers. He's the kind of person you'd love to play a co-op game with or watch a particularly cheesy movie with while he runs colour commentary on everything that happens on screen.

Toby is the news host of LTA (LikeTotallyAwesome) and posts various skits on his Tobuscus channel. He also runs a weekly show on it called Cute Win Fail where he and Phillip DeFranco have bought out the rights to what seems like a never ending supply of random videos of cute puppies, adorable babies and various other home movie gems that most would expect to be viral videos on their own merits. \

His biggest online success seems to stem from his literal commentary of upcoming movie and game trailers. Pointing out various discrepancies and over or under exaggerating various events in trailers for sublime comedic effect, sure it sounds stupid but with his illuminating personality Toby Turner could commentate paint drying and it would riveting.

One of these days Toby will probably star in a big webseries or television show as the scene stealing support character but for now he's content with sticking his silly online shenanigans.

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