Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Avengers Assemble
Website: HERE
YouTube Channel: HERE

With the upcoming release of The Marvel Comics Avengers movie it seems an appropriate time to mention the small web series kicking around YouTube based on the Avengers Superhero League called 'Avengers Assemble'.

Operating with a modest budget and and a slightly varied cast of Avengers members, I honestly don't think Wolverine was part of the Core Avengers Team this little series portrayed the normal everyday lives of the Avengers as they adjust to modern society. It's a cute little project even if it does leave a lot to be desired.

If you're a big Marvel fan check out the series, there have only been 7 episodes released so far but there are other web cam entries and even a Miss Marvel day off video to entertain you with the idea of a Super heroine folding laundry on her days off.

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